Carving Plates

The effort to always offer the best could only lead us to add to our offered services the carving of the plates.
The Kongsberg plotter is capable of making micrometrical cuts on the basis of a mask generated by the operator.
We are able to perfectly carve the photopolymer by delivering the plates already ready to assemble.
The cut is precise and follows the graphics even in the case of particular joints on the cylinder,
guaranteeing a drastic reduction in the assembly times of the photopolymers.


Real images realized with 200x microscope

Precise, clean, perpendicular and burr-free cut

Minimizing the gap between the funds 

The cutting corners are rounded and precise, thus eliminating the possibility of "tearing" the plate when it is detached from the double-sided tape, damaging it and forcing it to be re-printed in case of reprints. 

Accuracy in the cutting of solid backgrounds and elimination of the possibility of misalignment in the colors on the joint. 

Elimination of cutting errors which would lead to remaking of damaged plates.